Land Use And Master Planning
As the University Architect / Campus Planning and Design office, all of our efforts focus on the planning and management of Stanford's vast land, buildings, and historic resources.
Campus Master Plan
Stanford University was fortunate to have an original master plan developed by Frederick Law Olmsted and the founders grounded on key principles that are used in planning for today and planning into the future. This report on the campus master plan provides background into the historical planning precepts as well as highlights a framework for ongoing and future growth. Learn more about the Campus Plan.
In 2000, Santa Clara County granted Stanford a General Use Permit that contained over 100 conditions. One condition was that Stanford produce, in cooperation with the Santa Clara County Planning Office, a Sustainable Development Study (SDS). View the Stanford SDS - Sustainable Development Study that Stanford University completed and submitted to the Board of Supervisors of Santa Clara County for approval.
For a list of other master plans and guidelines please go to the documents library .